Get Involved


Looking for a flexible ridesharing arrangement? Carpooling is the perfect solution because you can decide how frequently you carpool, driving responsibilities, how to divide expenses, etc.

Team up with at least one other person for the drive to work and cut your commuting costs. The more people in your carpool, the lower your cost will be!

Interested in joining a carpool? Let RideFlag help match you with others in your community or workplace. Click here to learn more.


A wide variety of transit services are available throughout South Florida. Learn more about options in your area:

  • Miami-Dade County’s Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) oversees and operates the day-to-day functions and services of Miami-Dade Transit (MDT). Transit services extend across County lines and are made up of: a Metrobus fleet made up of 890 vehicles; the electrically-powered Metrorail that stretches 25 miles; and the free-to-ride Metromover in downtown Miami. The ultimate goal of MDT is to meet the needs of the public while delivering the highest-quality transit service that is clean, safe, convenient, and reliable.
  • Broward County Transit provides a variety of public transportation services throughout Broward County with connectivity to Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties’ transit systems and Tri-Rail. Premium Express Bus service includes 95 Express routes beginning at Miramar Regional Park, Miramar Parkway and Flamingo Road, University Drive/Pines Boulevard (Pembroke Commons and Hollywood Hills Plaza), North Perry Airport, C.B. Smith Park/Ansin Sports Complex, Davie Park and Ride, as well as 595 Express routes beginning at BB&T Center.
  • Tri-Rail is a commuter rail system serving Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties which connects with each county transit system, including Metrorail, community buses, and Amtrak. Tri-Rail also operates free “Commuter Connector” bus service from select stations.
  • Palm Tran operates fixed-route bus service throughout Palm Beach County. Palm Tran's mission is to provide access to opportunity for everyone; safely, efficiently and courteously.
  • Martin County's Transit Service provides fixed-route bus service to the US 1 Corridor, Indiantown, and Stuart. In addition, a commuter route runs from the Robert Morgade Library to the Palm Beach Gardens Mall.
  • The Treasure Coast Connector provides fixed-route bus service throughout St. Lucie County with connectivity to Martin County Transit and Indian River County’s GO Line transit system.
  • The City of Key West Department of Transportation provides public transit services throughout Key West and Stock Island, and extending up to Marathon.

Walking & Biking

Walking and biking are healthy alternatives to powered transit options.

Biking Safety Tips:
  • The law considers your bicycle a vehicle, so follow the rules of the road.
  • Be visible. Always use lights and reflectors at night.
  • Never ride the wrong-way down a one-way street, even in a bike line.
  • Always ride on the right side of the street with traffic.
  • Use a bell or provide audible warning when passing.
  • Avoid riding on sidewalks. If you do so, yield to pedestrians.
  • Don't wear headphones/headsets in both your ears.
Walking Safety Tips:
  • Stay on designated sidewalks and trails.
  • On shared paths, stay on the right.
  • Only cross at marked intersections and crosswalks.
  • Look left, right, and left again before crossing the street.
  • Pedestrians may have the right-of-way, but always be aware of your surroundings.
  • Be courteous to others and provide audible notice if you are passing them.

Emergency Ride Home

Are you a commuter in Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County using an alternative transportation mode three or more days per week? If so, you qualify for the Emergency Ride Home program! The ERH program provides eligible commuters up to six FREE taxi rides per year to use in the event of an emergency or unscheduled overtime.

To learn more or to register for the program, please visit or call 1-800-234-RIDE (7433).